18.1.2010 | 17:38
Ętli rķkisstjórnin viti af žessu?
Žegar lausnirnar sem eru ķ boši eru ekki ašrar en žęr "aš lįta lżšinn borga eins og hann getur" er varla um annaš aš ręša en aš fólk nżti sér frest į naušungarsölum og reikni žaš śt hvort vit er ķ aš greiša skuldir į mešan. Žaš er aušvelt aš komast aš žeirri nišurstöšu aš žar geti veriš um óįbyrga rįšstöfun į fjįrmunum aš ręša.
Erlendis er fylgst meš žrjósku Ķslendinga viš aš gerast skuldažręlar og hefur mešal annars veriš sett upp netsķšan Save the people of Iceland. Žetta er meira en ķslenskum stjórnmįlamönnum hefur dottiš ķ hug. Žeim finnst öruggara aš standa meš bönkunum.
Af sķšunni Save the people of Iceland.
Iceland may be the first Western democracy to be forced into South-American style debt-slavery. The IMF, in concert with the UK and the Netherlands, has attempted to strongarm the recently impoverished Island of 317,000 into paying over 3.6 billion pounds ($6.3bn) -- $86,000 per Icelandic family -- at 5.5% interest for the next generation. The money is not conventional government debt, but arises from the collapse of a private multi-national bank during the financial crisis.
The issue is so serious that the entire nation will vote on the issue towards the end of February 2010.
On December 30, 2009, after extraordinary diplomatic threats, Iceland's parliament passed narrowly a bill agreeing to pay the onerous terms. Only a few months earlier parliament had agreed to the full amount, but under more reasonable conditions.
The people of Iceland must be internationally supported, so they can feel safe in voting down debt-slavery. If Iceland falls, it won't be long before other countries suffer similar financial extortion.
dear fellow icelanders, please do not sign the petition, it is for people who are not from Iceland to support us:)
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Sendi 850 naušungarsölubeišnir |
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt |
To the People of Iceland, Don't give up and don't back down!!! WE the American people are with you. Show the gangster banksters that they can't do whatever they want where ever they want....you are the test for the whole world whether or not they can get away with it...Don't let them.......Stand up and don't be afraid.....they are nothing but cowards themselves...that's why they hide in the shawdows.....
almennur ķbśšareigandi (IP-tala skrįš) 18.1.2010 kl. 18:03
Sęll Magnśs, žetta er einmitt mįliš nśna.
Forsetinn hefur aldrei klikkaš į žvķ aš višra eigin skošun į Icesave en auglżst žaš rękilega aš almenningur, žjóšin, eigi aš taka įkvöršun um Icesave.
Meš žjóšaratkvęšagreišslu gefst alžżšunni tękifęri til žess aš mótmęla žvķ aš bera įbyrgš į athöfnum fjįrmįlaveldisins og žaš er einstętt tękifęri žvķ hvergi annars stašar er fólki gefinn kostur į slķku vali.
Ekki ašeins erum viš öfunduš heldur lķka fyrirmynd. Žvķ žurfum viš aš standa okkur - ekki bara fyrir okkur sjįlf heldur fyrir hina lķka.
Kolbrśn Hilmars, 18.1.2010 kl. 18:18
Satt er žaš hjį žér Kolbrśn, ķslendingar geta oršiš fyrirmynd fyrir heiminn. Žaš getur įtt viš icesave og stökkbreyttan höfušstól lįna. Žetta snżst um žaš hvort stjórnmįlmenn komast upp meš aš vera umbjóšendur almennings ķ žvķ aš lįta moka yfir okkur skuldum gjaldžrota einkafyrirtękja.
Magnśs Siguršsson, 18.1.2010 kl. 18:27
Join our strength people! We will help Icelanders we will help ourselves!
kvešja frį Pólandi (IP-tala skrįš) 18.1.2010 kl. 18:30
You are an inspiration to us all!! Fight the power of the new world order!
Magnśs Siguršsson, 18.1.2010 kl. 23:09
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.