20.1.2010 | 10:12
„Save the people of Iceland".
Žeir sem hafa skrifaš sig inn į Save the people of Iceland viršast flestir vera meš žau grundvallaratriši į hreinu aš skuldir einkafyrirtękja į ekki aš yfirfęra į almenning, sem er meira en hęgt er aš segja um icesave umręšuna hér į landi.
Alžingi hefur ķ tvķgang samžykkt lög žar sem skuldir gjaldžrota einkabanka eru yfirfęršar į skattgreišendur sem gefur glögga mynd af žvķ hvaš ķslenskir stjórnmįlamenn eru komnir langt frį grundvallaratrišum žessa mįls.
Žaš er athyglivert aš lesa athugasemdirnar žeirra sem styšja ķslenskan almenning meš undirskrift sinni, žeir viršast gera rįš fyrir žvķ aš žaš sama muni koma yfir žeirra žjóšir, žaš er aš stjórnmįlamenn muni moka skuldum bankakerfisins yfir almenning. Žeir telja aš ķslenska žjóšin eigi möguleika į aš varša veginn fyrir almenning annarra landa śt śr skuldažręldómi bankakerfisins.
Komment į sķšunnu save the people......
7:20 am PST, Jan 18, Derry McCarthy, Ireland
The people of Iceland should not he held accountable for the debts of a private company. This worldwide phenomena of privatizing gains and socializing losses where hard working people are held hostage to a small banking oligarchy backed by central banking and government must end, hopefully the people of Iceland will lead the way for more to follow.
7:31 am PST, Jan 18, Steve X, United Kingdom
Private losses should never be public ones. It's superb that the Icelandic people have enough democratic rights to be able to decide their future in a referendum. Here in Britain the bankers and corporations own the government.
Jan 18, 2010, Trevor Roberts, Canada
It's a true shame how these elitists control our lives. How long will we live under bankers thumbs?? Whats happening in Iceland now soon will be happening everywhere. Youtube NEOWOLF2013 for a world of truth or wakeupproject.com Down with the NWO and elitist bankers!!!
![]() |
Björgum Ķslendingum" |
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt |
Gerard Van Vliet, Netherlands
Although I have lost, like nearly 300 people in the Netherlands, a lot of money as a private depositor in Icesave, I am convinced that this deal puts the blame on Iceland too much. The Dutch as well as the UK supervisors underestimated the Icesave effects as much as was done in Iceland. That gives the goverments of NL and the UK responsibility for a REAL solution instead of a financial deal that puts all the risk on Icelanders. Read more about it on
www.icesave.nu Child play over 5 billion Euro. Where the Icelandic government tries to avoid a Referendum (more public money spoiled) and the Dutch (and UK) are staying put in their trenches ('take it or leave it').
That is called: The Battle of the Ego's.
On the one side a Prime Minister who is quite the opposite of the former PM (Haarde) and has anything but international Charism. Struggling to stay in the saddle with her tiny majority.
On the other side an almost desparate Social Leader that is bound to loose an historic amount of seats in local government on the 3rd of March. Strong leadership demands strict rules. Bos has to be The Boss, or he will loose even more seats.
At the same time we all know that enormous mistakes were made by both National Banks/Supervisors, that nobody wants to admit. Otherwise you might start asking questions about the political responsibility..
Does Iceland have the guts to take control and start acting like a Real Country?
Or is being a born loser a safer position? Hoping that the international community will in the end turn itself against those 'Bullies'?
Trust me, the last option will not get you better results! The Bullies will only deepen their trenches a little bit more.
The Minister of Finance (Bos) of an already troubled government is not likely to admit mistakes. The Leader of a Social Democrat Party should have empathy for a troubled fellow nation like Iceland. Were people are in real trouble.
The Minister of Finance should have an understanding that you need a sound economy in order to repay. The Leader of a Social Democrat Party might even agree with that, as long as it's taking account of the will of the people.. :-)
That puts Iceland in a position where they have to make the Bullies an offer they can't refuse.
With the present situation in Iceland (where Ego's are also battling) AND the missing of a Charismatic Leader, that is not likely to happen.
Obvious solution is to get an 'unbeatable' mediator to pave the way for the wanted economic solution. The missing Leader that gets (forced) trust from all involved and keeps smiling all the way to the Real Solution for Iceland.
The points to consider?
Again admit the responsibility of Iceland to repay the first layer of the Deposit Guarantee scheme. No question about that (Interest? That's an other story..).
Ask for help to get the economy to recover asap. Nobody can object.
Get them involved in solutions. Like restructering the new banks, managing the assets of the old banks, setting up green energy projects, joint data centers, knowledge exchange etc
And point them time and time again to the context of the problem, like the scale of the effort for Iceland, the possible brain drain of people leaving, the mortgage disaster, the already low salary of the PM etc.
Okay, you can opt for being a province of Norway. Or becoming a tax heaven like the Netherlands. Or start selling Holy Stones in a joint venture with the Vatican.
But let's keep that as a fall back scenario you might work on in the meantime...
As I said before: TAKE CONTROL, STUPID!
PS, my earlier blogs could be worthwhile reading as well...:-)
MS (IP-tala skrįš) 21.1.2010 kl. 16:40
Hello Mr Gerard,
That is what we are doing, the people of Iceland is taking the control in there hands because it“s not possible to have a left wing goverment that says yes to everything. So everybody needs to understand that buisness is buisness and if you put your money to the criminals of the ice-save banks then it is your goverments problem to make sure that you get your money back. because the banks are operrating in contry. I lost a lot money to, in this internatonal bank-crises. but i dont go crying to mama because i know i will never get them back, i will loose everything, appartaments,cars like most of the people in Iceland.
We need to work together Netherland,Iceland and England. Not Netherland and England against Iceland don“t you agree ?
Met vriendelijke groet,
Gunnar Svanberg
Gunnar S Jónsson (IP-tala skrįš) 22.1.2010 kl. 14:25
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.