6.2.2010 | 16:41
Orš skulu standa.
Žessi grein eftir John Zufelt er į sķšu Jóhannesar Björns, vald.org. Žaš lżsir Zufelt stušningi viš mįlstaš almennings į Ķslandi og segir hann ķ raun vera mįlstaš fólks um allan heim. Žśsundir manna um allan heim fylgjast meš barįttu almennings į Ķslandi gegn skuldaįnaušinni. Um žaš vitna vefsķšur og undirskriftasafnanir lķkt og žessi hér.
I am told in English this means, 'Words shall stand" or perhaps, 'honour your promise'.
We have similar sayings: 'A promise made is a debt unpaid' and 'Stand by your word', are two popular ones.
Breaking a promise is a serious matter. Bankers know this and they are counting on your own guilt as their greatest weapon.
I have a little story for you as you contemplate the upcoming referendum.
Thousands of years ago rich people owned slaves. These slaves did all the menial work, heavy lifting, construction, farming and fishing, cooking and cleaning for their masters. But as the population of slaves increased to large numbers, the masters worried about keeping control. What would happen if the slaves revolted? There were only limited numbers of police and weapons to try and control such a crowd. There had to be a better way, to keep the slaves but get them to believe they were free and really did have free choice.
The masters also realized the disadvantages of direct slave ownership; the feeding, clothing, housing and caring were both annoying and costly. A solution was indeed found to make the slaves think they were free, and somewhere in the middle ages a conversion took place from outright slave ownership to economic slavery.
Economic slavery gave the former slaves, now called, 'workers', just enough money to cover their own costs of living, eating, and sleeping. Other than this simple adjustment, little else changed. It was important to give the 'workers' the illusion of freedom and independence; let them believe they had free choice, when reality was, they were doing the same labours as dictated previously by the masters.
Economic slavery is made possible through a false money system, and a rule that was made so many years ago and is still enforce today; "never-ever teach the slaves what money is and how it is created."
Does it not seem strange to you that in every school system, in every country of the world today, nothing is taught about money? What is money? How it is created? What gives value to money? How it can be secretly stolen? What is inflation? Money is required to function in almost every day of everyone's existence, yet we know little to nothing about these (extremely important) questions.
At one time, money had real value. The gold and silver that Egill brought to Iceland would still be worth a fortune today. Gold and silver have real value because labour and effort were required to produce them. They are in limited supply and have multiple uses within a society. That gives them value, so that people know they can trade them for goods and services. Yet, where the current banking system started out saying that their paper money was exchangeable into gold and silver, that promise is now long gone, leaving us with pretty pieces of paper-fiat money.
So here, in this little story I will make some statements about fiat money. See if they make any sense to you. Not only are we taught nothing about money, but we are conditioned to dismiss our understanding even when descriptions are presented in front of our very eyes.
Fiat money is made out of thin air. Only 4% of all money is in the form of paper or coins. The remaining 96% of all money are numbers on computers. Fiat money is issued as debt. Debt equals money. Money equals debt. If all debts in the world were paid off, there would be no more money-all money would disappear. Banks have no money to lend. Banks only have the ability to create money out of thin air (called: fractional reserve banking). All new money created out of thin air is issued as new debt, but the interest payments for that money do not exist. The interest payment money has not yet been created. Interest payments have to be stolen, or fought for, out of the previously exiting money supply, guaranteeing scarcity and bankruptcy. So, the money supply has to always increase and the more money printed, the value of existing money decreases. This is called inflation, and is a form of theft, understood by very few. Banks get to keep the interest on all these debts and if the debtor defaults, banks get to keep the property-win, win for the banks, and lose, lose for the debtors. Creating money as debt and charging interest on it creates exponential growth, which means the world has to create greater and greater amounts of debt, which will lead to a total world financial collapse. That collapse started with Iceland October 9th, 2008. Since that time the world bankers have been trying to re-inflate the financial bubble by creating 'trillions' in new debt. In the end, the bankers end up with all the assets, and the peoples of the world end up with lifetimes of servitude.
Make sense? No? To explain banking in a nutshell: "Loan people money that doesn't exist and charge them interest on it." Modern banking is truly a scam for economic slavery. In fact we do not even need banks, our governments can create money interest free.
What is happening in the world today is that the exponential growth of money (issued as debt) has gone vertical, and now that individual people have stopped borrowing new debt, corrupt political leaders of major countries are bankrupting their governments with new debt to give this money to the bankers, the true masters of the globe. Obama, Brown, and Trichet (EU) are exponentially increasing the taxpayer debt, enslaving these people for generations and giving the money to the bankers who demand ever more and more interest payments-all for money that they originally created out of thin air.
More and more countries are coming to the same position that Iceland is in. They are bankrupted by the false money system. Pension plans are being seized, government assets are being sold for pennies on the dollar, health care and social structures are being removed, and increasingly, more and more enslaved people are turning to watch Iceland to see what you will do, hoping you will have the strength to fight these looters.
Your referendum is a much bigger issue than many believe. The whole world is watching to see if you can defeat the false and evil fiat money machine.
"Orš skulu standa"
As a retired Bank Director, I am saying this is a promise you should break, for the sake of Iceland, and for the sake of millions of other people in the world. You should not repay 1 Krona, or 1 Euro or 1 cent.
Thousands upon thousands of people on this planet are sending you strength, good energy and love to battle these forces of evil. We support you!
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Žśsundir ķ skuldasśpunni |
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt |
Bankastjórar į eftirlaunum žekkja manna best hversu vanheilagar stofnanir žetta eru og afleišingar žess aš bankaeigendur rįši för. Joshua Stamp var t.d director Bank Of England frį 1928 - 1941 og žessi orš eignuš honum og eiga aš hafa falliš 1920 į óformlegri ręšu į fundi ķ Texas, en hvort sem rétt er haft eftir eša ekki lżsa žessar setningar kjarna vandręša heimsbyggšarinnar og hvers sé aš vęnta ef alžjólegum bankamönnum og skósveinum žeirra sé eftirlįtin sešlaprentunin įfram, hśn į aš vera ķ höndum fólksins og hvergi annarstašar. Ę fleiri er žetta oršiš ljóst, en margir hręšast afleišingar žess aš risiš sé gegn žessu margra alda gamla oki og tefja aš hiš augljósa blasi viš öllum.
"Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take away from them the power to create money and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. But, if you wish to remain the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money." ( J. Stamp )
Aaron Russo, leikstjóri of framleišandi mešal annars, var magnašur mašur sem ég ber mikla viršingu fyrir, blessuš sé minning hans. Hann lenti óvęnt ķ slagtogi viš einn af laukum Rockefelleręttarinnar og reynt aš "innmśra" hann og fékk hann žar innsżn inn ķ skuggalegan žankagang elķtunnar. Męli meš žessu vištali viš hann sem Alex Jones tók viš hann nokkru fyrir andlįt hans. Hvaš sem mönnum finnst um Jones, žį er vitnisburšur Russo afar trśveršugur sem og mašurinn sjįlfur og slęmt aš honum varš ekki lengri lķfdaga aušiš, žaš er skortur į fólki eins og Aaron Russo, hann hefur žó oršiš mörgum fyrirmynd vegna įstar sinnar į réttinum til aš vera sjįlfs sķns herra og ótrślegri elju viš aš upplżsa fólk um raunveruleikann. Krabbamein var žaš sem dró hann til dauša, sumir halda žvķ žó fram aš hann hafi veriš myrtur vegna žess aš hann "sveik" Jay Rockefeller sem hafši sagt honum żmislegt og greinilega haldiš aš Russo yrši aušveldlega spillt eins og svo mörgum öšrum, en Russo sżndi śr hverju hann er geršur og žaš eftirminnilega. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGAaPjqdbgQ
SeeingRed, 6.2.2010 kl. 22:55
Žakka žér fyrir žessar upplżsingar Georg. Ég ętla aš kynna mér žetta myndband ķ góšu tómi og hvet alla til aš gera hiš sama. Upplżsingar sem komiš hafa frį žér eru ęvinlega žess virši aš kynna sér žęr.
Stjórnvöld vķša um heim og fjįrmagnseigendur, žeir rķkustu, hafa komiš sér saman um aš žaš žurfi engin įžreifanleg veršmęti aš vera į bak viš peninga. Fram til 1971 var USD žó bundin viš įkvešna žyngd af gulli en ķ tķš Nixon var sś tenging afnumin. Eftir žaš hafa allir peningar fariš ķ umferš ķ formi skulda, ž.e. einhver žarf aš taka lįn til žess aš peningar fara ķ umferš. Žetta peningakerfi hefur leitt til žess aš ę fleiri eru komnir į skulda fęribandiš og verša aš hlaupa hrašar og hrašar žvķ ef žeir stoppa til aš lķta ķ kringum sig mun fęribandiš kippa fótunum undan žeim.
Munu stjórnvöld koma almenningi til hjįlpar ķ skuldasśpunni? Sennilega ekki, sagt er aš grundvallar tilgangur rķkisstjórna nśtķmans sé aš vera verkfęri fjįrmagnseigenda aš vösum almennings. Žau sannindi hafa sjaldan opinberast eins rękilega og sķšastlišiš įr. Ręningjar nśtķmans eru eru jakkafataklęddir og njóta ašstošar stjórnmįlamanna. Rįn nśtķmans fara fram meš žvķ aš ręna banka og sjóši innanfrį og lįta sķšan almenning borga brśsann ķ formi, skatta, vaxta, veršbólgu og greišslna ķ lķfeyrissjóši. Skattar eru notašir til aš greiša skuldir rķkisins viš lįnadrottna sem uršu til žegar sömu ašilar tęmdu banka og sjóši innanfrį, almenningur er lįtin borga vexti af stökkbreyttum höfušstól, veršbólgan malar gull ķ gegnum vertrygginguna og sem fyrr er launafólki gert aš lįta 12 % tekna sinna renna ķ lķfeyrissjóši.
Sömu ašilar og komu okkur ķ žessa stöšu telja sķšan almenningi trś um aš žeir séu best til žess fallnir aš greiša śr flękjunni og rįniš heldur įfram. Stašan er oršin žannig aš hinn almenni borgari žarf ķ reynd aš taka lįn, til aš borga sér laun, borga skatta og safna upp lķfeyrissréttindum. Sķšan į aš treysta žeim ašilum sem létu greipar sópa innanfrį til aš rįšstafa pakkanum.
Magnśs Siguršsson, 7.2.2010 kl. 00:06
Helgi Armannsson (IP-tala skrįš) 7.2.2010 kl. 00:57
http://www.subvertednation.net/about-2/ ord skulu standa . tad virkar aldrei svoleidis med kosninga lovordin
Helgi Armannsson (IP-tala skrįš) 7.2.2010 kl. 01:03
Žakka žér fyrir žessar upplżsingar Helgi. Ég į eftir aš skoša žessa bók. Žaš er rétt žekkingin hefur veriš falin fyrir fólki og žį sérstaklega žekkingin til aš rįša eigin lķšan. Žvķ fleiri sem gera sér grein fyrir aš žeim lķšur mun betur žegar žeir hafa yfirgefiš įreiti žessa gjörspillta peningakerfis žeim mun meir žurfa stjórnmįlamennirnir aš leggja į sig viš aš ljśga žvķ inn į fólk.
Margir halda fyrir hverjar kosningar aš žeir bśi viš lżšręši, en žaš er sama hvaš kosiš er fólk situr uppi meš žaš sama, rķkisstjórn sem er verkfęri aš vösum almennings. Žetta er ekki lżšręši, žetta er blekkingarleikur sem ķ mesta lagi er hęgt aš flokka undir lżšręšislegan fasisma.
Magnśs Siguršsson, 7.2.2010 kl. 09:43
Now you know what neoliberalism mean, Mexico has been looted since 1982 and today we have almost left nothing except our growing debt and taxes. We owe all this to our corrupt and traitors politicians lackeys of the international usurers. I support you because your fight is also the fight of all free men in the world. Saludos fraternales. ”Viva el pueblo Islandés!
Iceland is such a great, brave country! We love you here in Poland! It took small country of so few citizens to tell hook nosed gangsters to take a hike. Never change! Be proud and keep your heads up! You are the World's precious gift of hope and courage. My country and my fellow citizens are being raped and looted now . England and USA shame on you for participating and hosting this international long nosed criminals. JUSTICE WILL BE SERVED!
Magnśs Siguršsson, 7.2.2010 kl. 10:37
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.