26.2.2010 | 14:00
Good luck from a dutchman.
Hérna mį sjį undirdriftasöfnun til stušnings almenningi į Ķslandi. Žaš er athyglivert aš skoša athugasemdirnar sem žar eru, žęr segja margar hverjar allt sem segja žarf. Žeir sem skrifa į žessa sķšu eru flestir meš žaš į hreinu um hvaš žessi deila snżst.
Klaas Arjen Wassenaar, "Let the banks take the responsability of their own dealings. Governements and the people governed, are not responsable for the acts of the banks located in their country. If people would be responsible, they should as well have been involved in decision-making and profitsharing of the banks. And they were defenitely not. So people of Iceland: do not take these debts on your shoulder that you have not created yourself. Goodluck from a dutchman".
Asya Nikolova, "Go Iceland! You are the brave and honourable pioneer in this outrageous precedent and as well hope for other countries which are probably about to face the same situation unless you vote against that barbaric monetary system we are all stuck in today! Save your country by voting "NO" to UNLAWFUL SLAVERY! It's is utterly unlawful to hold accounatble the people of Iceland for a debt, ran up by a private bank. Stop that barbarism! Enough is ENOUGH!"
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Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.