8.1.2011 | 08:42
Stóri bróšir.
Žaš er langt sķšan stóri bróšir nįši tökum į tjįningarfrelsinu į götum śti meš žvķ aš setja allskonar reglur um žaš hvernig fólk mį koma saman til aš lįta skošanir sķnar ķ ljós į stjórnvöldu. Fjölmišlarnir hafa einnig fengiš sķnar reglur eftir aš hafa veriš aš mestu yfirteknir af rįšandi öflum. Nś er komiš aš žvķ aš stżra tjįningarfrelsinu į netinu.
"Įtta žau sig į žvķ aš ég ķslenskur žingmašur," segir Birgitta, žaš skiptir engu mįli žegar tjįningarfrelsiš er annars vegar, žaš ętti aš vera réttur hvers manns. En stóri bróšir mun ekki hętta fyrr en hann ręšur yfir oršum og jafnvel hugsunum fleiri en hefšbundinna žingmanna.
The human mind is the stadium' in which the global conspiracy is being played out minute by minute every day. That's the biggest prize of all for the Control System - to dictate what we think and so how we behave and perceive self and the world.
Yes, you can control people physically in some situations if you have enough uniforms to do so, but you can't do that en masse because of the fantastic inequity in numbers between oppressor and oppressed. For the ultimate human control you need mindcontrol.
There are so many ways that this is being done today and conscious awareness of that is the most effective defence from these external influences targeting the individual and collective psyche ...
... These technologies also include the means of implanting specific thoughts, sounds, even voices in the mind which the targets believe are coming from within their own psyche. A team of researchers, led by Professor Bradley Greger, a bioengineer at Utah University, announced they have translated brain signals into speech using sensors attached to the surface of the brain for the first time. As one report said:
The breakthrough, which is up to 90 per cent accurate, offers a way to communicate for paralysed patients who cannot speak and could eventually lead to being able to read anyone thoughts.'
Two things here - the secret projects would have been able to do this for a long time already and these technologies can, and are, used to implant brain signals that the person then translates into words in their mind.
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Twitter gert aš afhenda öll skilaboš Birgittu |
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt |
Siguršur Haraldsson, 8.1.2011 kl. 09:10
Gerum žaš Siguršur. Twitter mįl Birgittu er greinilega aš vekja athygli vķša.
Magnśs Siguršsson, 8.1.2011 kl. 09:14
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.