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Omar Suleiman, varaforseti Egyptalands, gaf til kynna ķ gęr aš žolinmęši stjórnvalda vęri brįtt į žrotum og hugsanlega yrši herinn bešinn um aš ryšja svęšin.   Ekki er ólķklegt aš viš žęr ašgeršir žyrfti hann aš njóta stušnings stjórna Bandarķkjanna og Ķsraels sem óttast aš Egyptaland gęti oršiš nżtt Iran.  Ef svo fer žį gęti blóšbaš veriš ķ uppsiglingu ķ Egyptalandi.


An eye witness, who has escaped from southern Egypt to Cairo, says the police use live bullets to disperse protesters instead of tear gas.
Mohammad Abdo has escaped from Kharga and brought to Cairo videos of the police clamp down on the protesters there.
Abdo told Press TV on Wednesday that since Kharga is a small town, the police do not have equipment such as tear gas and therefore use live bullets to disperse the protesters.   Meira

When protests started in Egypt, the heads of the Egyptian military all went to the U.S. and consulted with U.S. officials for orders. The Egyptians are well aware that the regime in Cairo is a pawn in the services of the U.S. and Israel. This is why Egyptian slogans are not only directed against the Mubarak regime but are also aimed against the U.S. and Israel, in similarity to some of the slogans of the Iranian Revolution. The U.S. has been involved in every aspect of the Egyptian government's activities. Cairo has not made a single move without consulting both the White House and Tel Aviv. Israel has also permitted the Egyptian military to move into urban areas in the Sinai Peninsula. Meira Ekkert lįt į mótmęlum
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