Ójafnir leikir ķ Palestķnu.

'Bil'in celebrated International Human Rights Day with a larger than normal demonstration. Hundreds of supporters including Israelis and internationals came from outside Bil'in to support the village's struggle for human rights, to mark the one-year anniversary of Abdallah Abu Rahmah's imprisonment, and to commemorate the First Intifada.

The demonstration was attacked by Israel Difence Force soldiers with large amounts of tear gas from mutiple directions almost as soon as it began. One Palestinian and one German national were arrested as they non-violently protested Israel's continued confiscation of Palestinian land deep within the West Bank. Palestinian leaders such as Mustafa Barghouti joined the demonstration in solidarity with the residents of Bil'in.'


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1 identicon

when you will also write about arabs attacking others? Palestina is a fashion and if you are trying to be clever, read the history first.

Iceland is only country in Europe who support terrorist like Hamas, do not forget about it!!!!!

Jacek (IP-tala skrįš) 19.12.2010 kl. 10:49

2 Smįmynd: Magnśs Siguršsson

Jacek;  what do you mean?

"Iceland is only country in Europe who support terrorist like Hamas, do not forget about it!!!!!" 

Did you read it in your history or do you pretend to make a history?

Magnśs Siguršsson, 19.12.2010 kl. 11:25

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