4.4.2011 | 15:11
Afsakiš į mešan ég ęli.
Lišiš sem var į fķnu kaupi viš aš setja Ķsland į hausinn, afęturnar sem skattagreišendur losna ekki viš af ofur eftirlaunum žrįtt fyrir nišurskurš į öllum svišum, hyskiš sem įkvaš aš heimili landsins yršu ręnd ķ kjölfar hrunsins meš žvķ aš neita almennri leišréttingu verštryggšra lįna og glępamennirnir meš icesave aurana fer stórum og auglżsir sig sem JĮ fólkiš fyrir borgum icesave allir sem einn. Žetta hyski hefur hertekiš samtök atvinnulķfsins, samtök verkalżšsins, stżrir fjįrmįlafyrirtękum auk žess aš vera meš kślulįnžegana į alžingi undir hęlnum. En mun žjóšin lįta žetta hyski plata sig aftur til aš žramma ķ takt fram af hengifluginu?
Hrunavaktin segjir jį;
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Hvetur til samžykktar Icesave-samninga |
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt |
Ętlaršu svo aš bjóša Töfra-Tryggva (Herbertssyni) ķ mat žegar žś ert bśn'aš gubba?
Žorsteinn Siglaugsson, 4.4.2011 kl. 16:16
Ég var aš heyra į Bylgjunni nišurstöšu śr nżjustu könnun varšandi Icesave...
61% įkvešin ķ aš segja NEI, 29% JĮ og restin óįkvešin...
Ingibjörg Gušrśn Magnśsdóttir, 4.4.2011 kl. 16:32
Nei ętli ég bjóši honum nokkuš upp į spęldar ęlur. Annars kunni vel viš Tryggva ķ žį gömlu og góšu daga žegar viš vorum ungir menn. Sķšan lenti Tryggvi į glapstigu, var hvķtskrśbbašur į milli eyrnanna sem hagfręšingur og fór śr öskunni ķ eldinn meš viš aš gerast stjórnmįlamašur sem missti allt vit og męlir meš icesave. Lęgra getur góšur drengur frį Litlu Moskvu ekki lagst.
Magnśs Siguršsson, 4.4.2011 kl. 16:34
„Vonandi rķs meiri hluti kjósenda undir žeirri įbyrgš aš ljśka žessu mįli meš sómasamlegum hętti fyrir alla ašila, žannig aš viš getum gengiš til annarra og brżnni verkefna ķ ķslensku samfélagi,“ segir Žórunn į heimasķšu sinni.
Ég tel aš žórunn verš aš segja af sér eftir žessi ummęli ef Icesave veršur fellt. Annars ętti hśn aš segja strax af sér. Kjósendur eiga ekki aš žurfa aš žola aš talaš sé svona nišur til žeirra.
Žóršur Run“plfsson (IP-tala skrįš) 4.4.2011 kl. 16:38
Žaš kęmi mér verulega į óvart Ingibjörg ef žaš veršur ekki yfir 80% NEI viš icesave. Facebook segir svipaš og Bylgja aš žaš verši yfir 70% en ég trśi žvķ ekki fyrr en ég tek į žvķ aš 30% žjóšarinnar séu tilbśnir til aš borga skuldir glępamanna til žess aš afęturnar sem skattgreišendur hafa ekki losaš sig viš geti haldiš įfram aš fjįrmagna sig į lįnum.
Magnśs Siguršsson, 4.4.2011 kl. 16:39
Žóršur, Žórunn er Hrunarįšherra sem vann sér helst til afreka aš lįta skjóta ķsbjörn meš mestum kostnaši sem um getur į Ķslandi og naut til žess fjįrstyrkja frį Björgólfi Thor. Hśn ętti alls ekki aš hafa veriš į launaskrį skattgreišenda sķšustu tvö įrin en hśn hefur viskuna til žess aš bera. Žaš rignir upp ķ nefiš į henni ennžį.
Magnśs Siguršsson, 4.4.2011 kl. 16:44
Dear People of Iceland 2. aprķl 2011 | John Zufelt I was pleased to talk to my Icelandic friend today as we had not talked in a while. He was sad because he believes the people of Iceland might vote to accept the European debt. My response was, "if you accept the debt, it is the death of Iceland. Your island, and your heritage will become the property of the global bankers. This is very serious, why would the people of Iceland do such a thing?" He said he thought people were getting tired of the issue, and further there is a national sense of guilt if they do not pay. He said, there are so many sayings about debt and obligation in Icelandic, like: Orš skulu standa or Deyr fé, deyja fręndur, deyr sjįlfur iš sama. En oršstķr deyr aldregi hveim er sér góšan getur. So, now it made sense to me. As a retired investment banker, I know that people are concerned about honoring their debts, but the reason I am now writing this letter, dear people of Iceland, is to say that you must not accept this debt burden, which will give away ownership of Iceland to the global bankers. There is a big difference between repaying a debt to a friend or family member, and repaying the banking system. Why, because there is a dirty little secret about how banks create money, that we are never told about. It is the reason that virtually every country in the world is now bankrupt today. It is the reason the bankers are now getting all the roads, and buildings, and government assets, and why the bankers are demanding that health care and education and people's pension plans must be reduced. The dirty little secret is this: Banks create money out of nothing and charge interest on it. Now, from my experience I know that people can read that statement (above) a hundred times and still not understand it. We believe we need banks because they have money to lend, but that is not true, they do not have money to lend. All the bank's money is lent out - it’s all gone, but the secret is the bankers can create new money, with a snap of their fingers. It is created out of nothing - it is made up - it is magic money. How the banks create money is a scam and a trick. It is actually an enslavement system that we never bother to consider. Here's a thought. Two years ago, the world's money supply (all the money in the world) was equal to $50 Trillion USD. Last year, one year later, the world's money supply equaled $60 Trillion USD - an increase of $10 trillion USD. And if we looked back in history we would see, the world's money supply has always been growing. It begs the question: Where does all this new money keep coming from? The answer: Banks create money out of nothing and charge interest on it. If you borrow money from a friend, yes, you should pay it back because that is 'real' money that your friend has had to work hard to earn. We all know that money is hard to get, and how precious it is for future needs, so repaying ones debt to private people, is a responsibility that benefits everyone. But when the Bank of England and the Central Bank of Netherlands created that money for the Icesave investors, it was created out of thin air - it was made out of nothing - it was a computer entry upon a keyboard. Once the banks create new money, it becomes 'real money' when it steals its value from the existing money supply (this is the cause of inflation). The bankers are really counterfeiters always printing new money and issuing it as debt to enslave people. The famous economist, John Kenneth Galbraith said: "The study of money, above all other fields in economics, is one in which complexity is used to disguise truth or to evade truth, not to reveal it." Banks create money out of nothing and charge interest on it. In today's world all money is issued as debt. Money is debt and debt is money, and there is an extra bit of evil included in this scam: When the bankers create new money out of nothing, they don't make enough new money for the future interest payments. We all play a game of, 'musical chairs', to make the interest payments on the loans, for when the music stops, a few people will not have enough money for their payments and will lose their house, or their car, or their boat. This added evil feature guarantees perpetual bankruptcy, and is the reason we are always fighting for money. We know banking is a scam because our government could and should create the same money, interest-free. They used to do this before the global bankers bought politicians and stole the money creation system away from the government. The point is, we could have our money debt-free. The global bankers have turned us into debt-slaves, and they, and the corrupt politicians (who work for the bankers) want your grandchildren to be debt-slaves as well. This is how the IMF has become the bloodsucker of the globe. If you agree to repay this debt, before long, the bankers will demand your health care, and education, and pension plans would all have to be cut, and then the country will have to sell all the assets to the bankers, who will always buy them with money that they create out of nothing. Within one generation, the bankers would own Iceland and the people would become serfs. (If you want to learn more about the money scam, click here) A question every Icelander should ask: What benefit did the people of Iceland receive for all this Icesave money? And I think the answer is: You received no benefit from this debt, and in actual fact have suffered hardship because of the money scam, as prices for everything included houses, exploded. So now the global bankers want you to become debt-slaves for money that you never saw, never benefited from, and didn't even know about until the bankers brought about the global crash. You must not accept this debt. Together, we the people of the world, must send a message to the global bankers that we are not going to play the enslavement game any longer. As far as your politicians who say you must pay the debt, these people are traitors to the country. They work for the bankers and they should be kicked out of the government and placed in jail. We, your brothers and sisters from so very many other countries, send you, the people of Iceland, our love and support, and we send you our strength to stop these global bankers, before the whole human population of the earth ends up in bondage. Vote: No, to the debt!!
Helgi Armannsson (IP-tala skrįš) 5.4.2011 kl. 05:10
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.